Accelerating herbicide recovery with Phosfix
Posted on June 22, 2020
Phosfix is a powerful combination of macro and micronutrients with growth and plant enhancers that improve yield and profit by enhancing crop vigor and encouraging crop health.
Phosfix is designed for use on all crops. It improves plant tolerance to stress and helps recovery and growth through adverse growing conditions. An early application enhances seed set and fruit fill.
Post-emergence herbicides can injure soybean plants. Injury is typically observed in the form of stunting, drawstring (puckering), chlorosis (yellowing), necrosis and recovery time.
Phosfix is ideal to assist crops in their recovery from herbicide applications, reducing the potential of negative yield impact. The application of Phosfix helps in the plant recovery process following injury side effects or slow growth and recovery from post applications of many site-of-action post herbicides
In the above photo, the soybeans on the left were treated with Phosfix in the herbicide application compared to the soybeans on the right which were treated with herbicide alone. The soybeans that received Phosfix are taller, greener, and recovering well from the herbicide application.
The soybeans on the left received 1 pt Phosfix, 1 qt Sweet ‘N Eezy™, 24 oz glyphosate, 2 pt Prefix and 0.5 gal AMS. The soybeans on the right received 24 oz glyphosate, 2 pt Prefix and 0.5 gal AMS.
The images above are from a field in Indiana taken in July 2017. The soybeans in the first image were treated with 3.5 pt/ ac of Flexstar® GT. The plants in the second image were treated with 3.5 pt/ac of Flexstar GT plus 1 pt/ac of Phosfix. It was noted the plants treated with Phosfix recovered better than those untreated.
For more information on the benefits of Phosfix, contact us today!

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Prefix is a registered trademark of Syngenta Company. Phosfix is a registered trademark of The Andersons, Inc.